
Liam's Birth Story, part 2

{{{Part 1 of Liam's birth story is here.}}}

After helping Crew in the bathroom I asked him if he peed the bed, something we've come to expect.

Nope! I not pee the bed", he replied.

Oh, good!! It's going to be a GREAT day!"

And with those words, I bent down to help him find cloths to wear to preschool.


What. The. Heck.

There was definitely a gush of something, but not a lot. Certainly not an entire bag of amniotic fluid, I thought to myself. Maybe I peed my pants? In pregnancy, everything is possible, including peeing one's pants. I couldn't see beneath my pregnant belly; heck, it had MONTHS since I could! Maneuvering to check out what just happened felt like an Olympic sport. I waddled into my bathroom, threw off my shorts to investigate and took this picture:

I admit to smelling the shorts {{ew, I'm disgusting}} to rule out peeing my pants; it definitely wasn't urine. I sat down on the toilet, in complete disbelief, unsure what to do next. As I sat down, more warm water came gushing out.


This was the moment I knew for certain that my water broke, or at least was partially broken. My head was swirling with all the reasons why we were not ready to have this baby. A new car hadn't been purchased. Our vacuum was broken. Freezer meals weren't prepared. Rodney had a cold. I hadn't completed my Hypnobabies course. Heck, his bassinet wasn't even set up. And, oh my goodness, he would be 37 weeks! Barely 37 weeks at that. 

I reluctantly sent a text to my midwife, because doing so meant this was actually happening. Unprepared as we were, he was coming.


Me: Went to bend down to help my son, felt a warm gush. Pretty sure my water broke. When I went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet more warm water came out. I have a pad on now and feel more warm water trickling out.

Midwife: Ok. Any contractions?

Me: No

Midwife: That's ok. It will change. Rest up and drink. How's the little one? And are you seeing any pink or red?

Me: I woke up not long ago and he was super active. There's some pink when I wipe.

Midwife: Ok, fantastic. Lets give it one hour and see if you start contracting.  My guess is that we're going to be having a birthday today :) Remember, we were hoping you would go a little bit slower this time :)  Easy, slow and peaceful. And it's a fabulous day for a birthday party :)

Me: Lol. Yes! The great news is that Esther adjusted me yesterday and really worked on my round ligaments.

Midwife: Well isn't that just perfect. I'm so happy for you.

My midwife knew my history with Crew. He came fast and furious and with barely enough time for a midwife to get there. One of my concerns was another incredibly fast birth with nobody to help me. For this reason, I am grateful my water broke. It alerted me that, yes, you're going to have a baby so get ready.

And get ready I did. I called Rod as I began pacing around the house, overwhelmed by how much still needed to get done.


I was surprised that Rod answered immediately. I knew he was at the hospital, finishing his shift. Through my tears I told him my water broke.

Rod: What? 


Rod: Vanessa, are you serious? 

Enter meltdown.

Me: Yes. I'm serious! And we're not reeeeaaaaaady! The house is a war zone. He doesn't even have a name. We're going to STARVE because no freezer meals are ready. I don't even think we have milk in the fridge right now.  And he's soo young! And my vaccum is broke! Everything is just a disaster. And you're SICK. And I'm.... (unintelligible cry-talking)....

Rod: Baby, it's ok. It will be ok. I'm coming home.

We got off the phone and I made the decision that Crew would stay home from pre-school. I didn't know when contractions would start, and didn't want to risk taking him and having to drive through contractions. However, because Paxton's school is literally around the corner, I decided he would go. After all, the walking could be useful for labor (and it was!). 

I started frantically waddling around the house because, of course, it was a disaster. I first started with the dishes, but as soon as I bent down to put a plate in the dishwasher, more water came out, soaking through my pad and pants. I rummaged through my massive birth kit, realizing even a heavy duty pad wouldn't do the trick. And there it was. My package of adult diapers. No, I'm not kidding. Diapers.

It's go time. Good thing I have my diapers, I thought to myself. I put it on and began walking when I noticed my diaper was making the all-too-familiar diaper squeaky sound. If you've had a baby, you know the sound.

So there I was. In a diaper. A very squeaky diaper.

To Be Continued

1 comment:

  1. Man, I totally started crying during the breakdown part. That's about how things felt like when I was in labor at 36 weeks 5 days. Panic. Trying to focus on what I could do. Praying a lot of grateful prayers for my MIL being inspired the night before to come over for the afternoon to help out. It is so overwhelming to be so completely taken by surprise. I'm glad you guys made it through. And Rod - you are awesome! Way to say calming words and give the support that was needed!
