
Liam's Birth Story, part 1

Saturday, October 4th

We took the boys to some local fall festivities where we enjoyed a petting zoo, a hay-maze, horse riding, apple donuts, apple cider, a train ride, and caramel apples.  Things were going perfectly, until our Suburban wouldn't park. Nope, it wouldn't park. Literally. {{What....the....????}} You'd put it into park, but it kept rolling forward (or backward, depending on the road).

Broken car. Spectacular timing.

I was approaching my 37th week of pregnancy, so we had to act fast. Arrangements were made for the Suburban to be looked at on Monday and our online car shopping commenced.

Sunday, October 5th

We spent the day watching General Conference, a semiannual gathering of the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Conference is broadcast to members throughout the world, so we enjoyed our day watching and listening from the comfort of our home.

Toward the end of the day, the boys begged me to play "Abengers". I agreed and shared this flattering picture with the world.  Captain America never looked better, right?!

I wasn't quite 37 weeks, but decided I was close enough to make it my "official" 37th week picture. Incredibly classy, wouldn't you agree? This would be my last weekly pregnancy picture. {{Smacks forehead}}

Monday, October 6th

At my appointment with my midwives, my worst fear was confirmed: Liam wasn't in the best position for labor. He was head down, but he wasn't in the ideal position (LOA or OA). Even worse, he had descended into my pelvis in this wonky position.

The Left Occiput Anterior (LOA) position is often the easiest fetal position for the start of labor. In this position, baby is lined up so as to fit through your pelvis as easily as possible. The baby’s head is easily "flexed" (his chin tucked onto his chest) so that the smallest part of his head will be applied to the cervix first. When you have massive babies, these are the details you care about.

Babies settle in the LOA position naturally when the womb is well balanced. Positioning plays a huge factor in how long labor and pushing will last in addition to the intensity of labor.

It was hard to know exactly, because of how much amniotic fluid I had, but we suspected he was either posterior (OP), or Right Occupient Posterior (ROP). Worst. Positions. Ever. 

This sent me into a panicked frenzy; we knew he was big and now we knew he was mal-positioned. {{Slow clap}} As the uterus contracts, babies are turned in a clockwise manner. My contracting uterus would have to spin Liam allllllllllllll the way around. In other words, this would take longer and be much more painful (back labor, anyone?) than if he were positioned correctly. {{Second slow clap}}

Doubt, fear, and discouragement flooded my mind. Paxton was posterior and, well, that ended in a cesarean. To me, this was the worst news. A broken car and a mal-positioned baby. It was an emotional day, to say the least.

By the day's end, our Suburban had been fixed. What sweet relief that was! Still, we decided it was time to buy something more reliable. We knew we'd be wise to purchase something before Liam was born because, seriously, newborns complicate grocery shopping; I couldn't wrap my head around car shopping with a newborn. Our search would continue. Our time was limited, yes, but we had enough time. A few weeks, maybe? At the very least 10 days.

Or so I thought.

A trip to the bathroom revealed some bloody show. {{TMI? Too bad. This is a birth story, after all.}}

What. The. Heck.

Text to midwives:

Me: I had some bloody show just now. Not a lot. Having some achy back and menstrual-like cramping. I'm pretty sure it's nothing, but just letting y'all know.

Midwife: Thanks for the heads up. It is a little early for a baby... sure hope you hold him in one more week.

Me: I'm pretty sure I will. He's a little tease.

Midwife: Ok... Don't give me grey hair please!

Me Ha! I'll try not to. I really think my body will hold him in. I'm not ready. Still have things to do.

Midwife: Lol, whew! Thank you!

Tuesday, October 7th

37 weeks pregnant

Besides car shopping and Crew coloring himself with marker to make himself "look pwetty like a lion", nothing exciting happened. In fact, I had completely disregarded my bloody show from the day prior. A fluke, I told myself. In my mind, nothing was going to happen for weeks. In fact, I was mentally preparing to go past my due date.

Wednesday, October 8th

Although we hadn't found anything to purchase, we went to a bank to get pre-qualified for a car loan. I joked with the banker, who was also pregnant, about the timing of our vehicles troubles. My thoughts suddenly focused on the contractions that were coming. These were a step above Braxton hicks contractions, but they were weak. Annoying, actually. I ignored them, recalling the weeks (literally) of contractions I had endured with Pax.

Ain't nobody got time for this, I thought to myself.

We happened to be near a chiropractor I had visited earlier in my pregnancy. I hadn't seen her in weeks (the drive was too far), nor did I have an appointment with her, but I had this strong feeling that I needed to go see her. I hesitantly walked into her office. Luckily, she was able to squeeze me into her busy schedule and adjust me. She spent a lot of time on my round ligaments, mentioning that they were protruding and tense.

The day finally came to its end. Rod left for work and after the boys were in bed I poured my entire soul out to Heavenly Father. So much weighed on my mind and I needed to tell Him everything. This was nothing new. For months I had conversations with God about this baby and his birth. These prayers began February 15-- the day I found out I was pregnant with Liam. I prayed for safety and peace. I asked that His Divine Hand would be revealed throughout this pregnancy, labor and delivery. And it was, many times over.

Based on how hard my body worked to rotate Liam, I am forever grateful for that prompting to visit the chiropractor, her willingness to adjust me, and the extra time she spent releasing the tension in my ligaments. This was just one of the many instances where Heavenly Father stretched forth His mighty hand to offer His help.

Thursday, October 9th

Like always, I forgot to put out the garbage, so when I heard the garbage truck barreling through our neighborhood at 5:30am, I bolted out of bed. I waddled up and down the drive-way, struggling with one large trash can and two large recycle bins, one of which was missing a wheel. Maneuvering those suckers with no shoes and an enormous belly is no small task, especially because the journey from the house to the road is a steep downward slope. I was annoyed at the task, but walked away victorious! {{Stupid trash day.}}

I made my way back to bed pretending not to hear Paxton rummaging around in his room. I dozed off and woke when I heard Crew fling his bedroom door open. I was surprised that he slept until 7:00, but grateful for the sleep I enjoyed because of it. After helping him in the bathroom I asked him if he peed the bed, something we've come to expect.

"Nope! I not pee the bed", he replied.

"Oh, good!! It's going to be a GREAT day!"

And with those words, I bent down to help him find cloths to wear to preschool.


To Be Continued.....

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