
Meet the Hair Thief!!!

I wanted to wait until giving birth to find out the gender of our baby. Rodney wanted to know as soon as possible.  Ultimately, he won.  We know the gender of our baby!!!!  The compromise, however, is that we cannot tell anybody. Not family, not our boys, not friends, not even my mother or sisters get to know.

This was an elective ultrasound, meaning it was not a medical ultrasound.  We still have to hold our breath for a few more weeks until the anatomy ultrasound to make absolutely sure baby is healthy.  From the looks of the elective ultrasound, however, everything looks healthy.  We were given a DVD from our session and I've watched it no less than 100 times.  I've memorized each of the baby's movements and I fall more in love the more I watch.  We've got a wiggler on our hands who LOVES to munch on his/her toes.  Also, baby already has HAIR. A little hair thief! The white lines sticking straight up from the head is hair. 

Baby's profile.    

I'm still loosing hair.  This has been one of the most difficult trials I've ever faced. It's getting both easier and more difficult to cope with.  It's easier because I've accepted that this is actually happening; I'm loosing my hair and I no longer know if this problem has a solution.  It has become more difficult because, well, I'm loosing my hair.  I have a receding hair line. I have bald spots.  I've started looking at sprays to cover balding spots, hair pieces, and even wigs.  My prayers have changed; I ask for the courage to graciously accept what is happening without blaming or letting resentment enter my heart.  I still believe in the power of prayer, so I always slip in a "Heavenly Father, please heal me, or inspire my healthcare providers to find solutions".  

Every time I feel anger swelling in my heart, I watch the baby's DVD.  It makes coping a little easier. I love that little person.


  1. Awww congrats! I always feel like I can handle pregnancy better after I see that sweet baby on the ultrasound! We always find out...because we like to name the baby and connect with it as soon as possible ��

  2. I really need to figure out how to comment on this from my phone!!! I always try but it never posts!! ugh!!! I have never seen hair on an ultra sound before!! That is crazy!! Or at least it has never been pointed out to me!! Love you guys!!
