
Third Baby Problems

This poor baby has a severe case of Third Baby Problems. I documented e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. with my first pregnancy.  Weight gain updates, weekly belly pictures, and every milestone (important or not) in between.  When the little cherub was born, you better believe I documented every sneeze, every doctor's appointment, and even the consistency of his poo for the first several weeks.

You want to know the day he first smiled? I've got it covered, plus I mention the circumstances surrounding the joyous milestone.  Wondering when he took his first steps? Got it on video AND blogged about it. Want pictures from his first birthday party? I've got 500.

I wasn't quite the over-achiever with our second. However, he still has a ridiculous amount of recorded information that I'm sure only I will ever care to read or look at again. 

Enter Third Baby Problems. 

I never remember how far along I am in this pregnancy. I get asked all the time, to which I give a blank stare. Great question, dear stranger! (Insert best guess here.) With your brothers, I always knew how far along I was. I've been telling people at church "We're half way there" for over 3 weeks, because that just seems easiest.

First baby was named while in belly. Second baby remained unnamed until his birth, but we at least had narrowed our list to 3 name possibilities. You, my poor third child, don't have a name. You don't even have a list of names.

First baby had a beautifully decorated nursery. Everything was perfect before his arrival; clothes washed and folded in his dresser, toys cleaned thoroughly, baseboards pristine and house immaculate.

Second baby had the exact same nursery. Same bedding. Same chair. Same dresser. Same changing pad. Same everything, minus the name hanging on the wall. I intended to hang his name on the wall, but that never happened. The house was clean, but not sparkling. The clothes were taken from a storage bin and put into the dresser without being washed.

Bless your heart, third child, because not only have we not started decorating your nursery, but I don't even know where all of the pieces to the crib are.
Bless your little, neglected heart, third child. I think I have a few belly pictures and some ultrasound pictures of yours floating around the house. They're most certainly lost, because unlike your brothers, you don't have a baby book yet.  In fact, your brother, the 3 year old who isn't a fan of yours, crumbled your 20 week anatomy ultrasound pictures because he's over you. So, we have your crumbled ultrasound pictures somewhere around here. I'm sure we'll find them. Maybe.

So here is my attempt to record more about life's happenings as you grow in my belly.

We bought you a new swing, baby. I told your Daddy that we needed an electric swing so I never have to relive the nightmare of not having batteries in the middle of the night with a colicky, screaming infant who would only sleep in the swing. Did I mention your Dad was working that night? Because he always seems to be away the times I need him most. I hated that night and swore I would only ever use an electric swing again.

The swing has been bought, assembled and nearly broken a handful of times. Both of your brothers tried to lounge in it, and when that got them in trouble, they resorted to strapping their lovies (Blue and Buddy) in to take a ride. To make a long story short, your swing is now sitting atop our dresser. I assure you, it's probably the only safe place for it. After the headache this swing has caused, I'm convinced you'll hate it.

One of your brothers is yelling from the bathroom that they need their bum wiped, otherwise I'd stay and tell you all about your 20 week anatomy ultrasound. It was a great day. You even gave us a thumbs up!

Mother's Day 2014


  1. I always swore to myself that I would take just as many pictures of all my kids as the first. HA. I'm pretty sure there's at least triple the amount of Luke as there are of Sam. Maybe because this one is a girl I can redeem myself and do better!
    At least you have two belly shots already--I'm going on, uh like 24 weeks (?! I can't seem to remember either) and still haven't taken one! oops.

  2. Oh sweet Vanessa i think you should take your fave snack and hide in the bathroom for a few min. I feel your pain. Did you find out the gender?! Maybe you already told us, and i forgot.
