
Sometimes I break

Sometimes I remind myself that I'm just loosing hair.
I'm not dying.
I'm healthy. My family is healthy.
I've been blessed with another baby. 

I take mental inventory of the many women I've met throughout my life who cannot have children.  I think of all the women who have tragically lost children and were forced to say goodbye too soon.  I reflect on the many heartbreaking circumstances that are not mine.  I remember the agonizing moments were I have amounted to a puddle on the floor pleading for Divine help and a healing Hand; I've survived worse.

I tell myself that I am strong.
I am a survivor, not a victim.
It's just hair.

But I still break.

I've known that my hair is falling out, but today two pictures taken 10 weeks apart illustrate just how much is gone.  I've kept my crying to a minimum because crying during pregnancy always makes me throw up.  Today, however, I sobbed.  I didn't care who heard or if I'd be vomiting because of it.

This is the same side of my head; one image is flipped to make it look otherwise.

Next thing I knew, a book about Christ's atonement was thrown from my nightstand.  I reached the pinnacle of anger and feelings of abandonment from the God that I love. I just began yelling.

Is a NORMAL pregnancy too much to ask? 
Am I really THAT selfish for not wanting my hair to fall out?
Why can't I have a healthy baby AND keep my hair, too?
Oh, but I have to be thankful and strong, right? Because other people have it worse than I do.

While yelling was certainly irreverent, and it isn't something I condone, it was very cathartic.  I was finally being sincere with myself and with my Heavenly Father. I'm not nearly as strong as I pretend and diminishing my hurt "because other people have it worse" isn't helpful. I don't need to put on my strong face for Him.  In fact, we are asked to "Cast all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (1Peter 5:7)  

The last words I uttered aloud rang in my ears: I am sick of being strong. Unexpectedly my mind began to fill with thoughts. Beautiful, comforting thoughts and reminders:

You don't have to be strong alone.  Christ came to Earth so that you never have to be strong on your own.  He made the choice to abandon His Godliness in order to suffer and FEEL the very pains and heartbreak that you will ever endure. Why?  Because of perfect love.  Nobody has ever given so much and so willingly than He.

Your Savior performed miracles driven by love, not a hidden agenda.  He befriended mortals when He didn't have to.  He wept at the sorrow of His friends. He is the best friend you'll ever have.

On an intellectual level, He understands your suffering. Because of the Atonement, He also FEELS your pain.  He can comfort you both with sympathy and empathy.  

On that day of suffering, your wounds became His wounds.

Vanessa, REJOICE in His glorious invitation: "Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

I'll continue to break, because that is my human nature. Today, thankfully, I was reminded that my wounds are His wounds.  It's not just hair. It's my hair and loosing it is the cause of my sadness and anxiety, therefore He cares. Petty or as vain as it may be, HE CARES and He knows perfectly how I feel. 

Next time I break, I'll remember that He already broke for me and that makes walking through this trial feel less lonely.


  1. It's ok to breakdown. Today in an article a friend sent me about a mother who lost her child, she stated she started yelling in pain. Not yelling at God, but WITH God. He feels our pain, he knows it. Yes, it could be worse, but that doesn't mean you just beg for what we consider "normalcy" specially in pregnancy. Those are still my crys, why can't I have a normal pregnancy? Why me? Just remember like you said, lean on him. It is the only way I have continued to make it through. Like Rod told me one day, God would rather you yell at him, then turn from him. I pray he brings you peace. Hang in there girl. It sucks, but your struggle maybe what brings someone else peace. I just keep praying that I find a way to help others in my grief.

  2. I've been feeling those thoughts and insanely I just a few days ago, yelled I'm tired of being strong..sometimes I want to be weak and let others know it and help me....of course I'm not going through the same situation..it's different, but thank you for sharing..I needed this! Love to you and at least you are loosing hair for a sweet baby and not just for nothing :) I had to view my puking as this because otherwise I'd go insane :/

  3. Both Dana and Ruth said it perfectly!! We love you girlie!! It's okay to break down and let the frustrations go. We all know I have a time a two!!! Hang in there!
    Love you!!
