
A day in our life: Trip to CVS

Leaving the house is quite a chore around here.  No matter the time of day, you can guarantee that somebody's pants are missing. Inevitably somebody will wander around the house crying that they can't find their missing shoe.  You'd better believe I don't offer much help in the missing shoe rescue efforts because I've learned time and time again that those missing shoes have a way of being lost to the dark abyss-- until, of course, you no longer need them.

Today was no different.

First came the announcement: We're leaving the house.

And with those magical words, the boys lost all common sense, forgot every rule, and turned into hooligans.  The two year old ran away squealing with delight because this process has become a game to him.  How many laps around the kitchen can I make before she catches me? And when she catches me, how will I make it impossible for her to dress me? Stiff-body-statue, body convulsions, or body thrashing and back lunging?!

The three year old let out a high-pitched scream, ran away like a lunatic only to stop momentarily to karate chop the air.  Just as I'm about to yell at him redirect him, he gained his composure and began walking to him room.  Unfortunately for me, his shenanigans were only beginning. He yelled in his robot voice that he was an "Abenger" and needed to put fuel in his jet-pack, because without it, he couldn't make the 3 long steps to his bedroom.

Who knew it would take FIVE MINUTES to re-fuel his imaginary jet-pack. The whole process grated on my nerves in the worst way possible. 

Fast-forward 20 minutes of mass chaos: Somebody opened the door. I ran outside to see child #2 riding his scooter in one direction and child #1 running with a broom (??!?!) in the other direction, and SURPRISE (!) the dog was outside smelling the neighbors flowers.  My 2 year old won't ever give up without a fight, so there was a 100 meter dash after the toddler, a capture, and a walk of shame back to the car.  

 It's no surprise we were all sweaty monsters because today just so happened to be the temperature of the sun's surface.     

Just as I'm finished buckling seat-belts and maneuvering scooters that just HAD to make the trip, I turn around and notice Daisy jumping into the car.  She wasn't invited, but I was too exhausted, sweaty and annoyed to drag her out and into the backyard.  Three whole seconds into our drive I realize my mistake by not escorting her to the backyard. She nuzzled her head into my body, began panting and releasing her hot breath on my body.  To make matters worse, she hasn't stopped shedding since we've arrived in Houston, so her fur was sticking to my sweaty body.  Houston's climate is the exact opposite of northern Canada, where Labrador Retrievers originate. Meaning, she wasn't exactly bred for Houston summer's and her fur coat is having an identity crisis. 

Bless the genius behind drive-through pharmacies!  

But DEATH to the customers ahead of us. 30 minutes of waiting is a little excessive, especially when you forget to bring two water bottles.  You'd think older brothers were meant to pester their younger brothers.  Absolutely not the case in our home.  Our 2 year old is the Torture Master.  Not only does he resort to teasing often, but he is GOOD at it.  Today he decided to play keep-away from his brother.  We keep their car-seats separated for good reason, but if the keep-away antics don't end soon, they might have to learn to sit near each other again.  (Of course, we'd have to learn to not be phased by HE TOUCHED ME complaints.)  

In case you think I sat back, took pictures, and didn't intervene, you're partially correct.  Our vehicle is large so reaching children from the drivers seat is nearly impossible.  Adding a dog to the vehicle makes reaching either child impossible.

Just another ordinary day, folks.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed the WHOLE time while reading this!!!! I just love Paxton's imagination!!! HE is so creative!!! Bless Crew in his little brother torture syndrome!!! lol that is the funniest thing!!! I totally remember those, he touched me arguments with Rod!! lol!! But those problems were solved fast cause that was the time when we could sit up front and so Rod and I were crammed up front with my mom!! lol!! then she could really see who touched who first!! hahaha!! I hear ya about the shedding and hair when you are already so hot!!! So annoying!! Well keep the great entertaining stories coming!!! lol Love you guys!!
