
Backyard Photos

While Liam napped, I pulled out my camera and took pictures. I seriously need to do this more often. Listen to them complain is my favorite. {{smacks head}}


Valentine Card Woes

It was around 2:00am when I noticed a visitor laying beside me, taking up more than his fair share of the bed. {{When did he get so big? And tall? And since when does he SNORE?}} I never sleep well when Pax is in our bed. I'm always anticipating his obnoxious early rousing and will do anything to keep him from waking a single minute sooner. In my delusional mind, he might possibly sleep past 5:45am if I lay motionless until my side is numb or avoid breathing altogether.

Suddenly it was 4:30am and I heard Crew and Daisy (the dog) running up and down the hallway because, obviously, that's normal. {{Slaps forehead}} I stormed down the hall and used my "Scary Mommy Whisper Voice" and told both of them that I did not approve. The dog went back to sleep. The 4 year old? He coughed every 2 minutes from 4:32 until 6:30am. I timed his coughing intervals, in case you were wondering. And, no, cough medicine didn't help. (Hours later it was discovered that he has a fever, which I'm looking forward to everybody else catching within the week!)

A few hours later, I called my Electrician/Contractor father-in-law and asked if our house would catch on fire if the end of a colored pencil was broken off in the electric socket. We'll file this incident under: Things That Happen When I'm Peeing and Toddlers Are The Worst.

Liam's artwork

Minutes later, I quickly looked over Paxton's Valentine cards that he was asked to sign, and to my absolute horror, read the message he went great lengths to write on 26 Valentine cards. He wanted to write, "May the force be with you", but he realized that was too wordy, and so he shortened it to, "Force you". {{6 year old logic}}  The problem with being underdeveloped phonetically, or simply being in Kindergarten, and writing your own message? Well, in this situation, everything when you spell "force" F-U-R-C.

Furc you.
Love, Paxton

I wanted to cry and laugh and scream. Simultaneously. We are always such a hot mess, and this particular instance was only affirming that. Unfortunately, there was only enough time to get in the car and drive to his charter school, or risk missing his Valentine party, and that would have not ended well. I'm hoping that, like me, most his classmates parents won't actually read their children's Valentine cards.

Hi, my name is Vanessa and I am over this day.



We've spent the majority of this winter with the sniffles, coughing, fevering, or a combination of all three. Somewhere in the middle of all the illness, Rod contracted Strep throat, but thank heavens he didn't share with anybody else.

Last week I was the sickly one. The illness was minor, but my inability to just REST for more than 3 seconds caused the illness to morph into something more irritating: fever and a hoarse voice! After Saturday's wrestling tournament, of which our wrestling club hosted, my body was exhausted and ached. I realized what a mistake it was to spend the day volunteering instead of at home resting. Needless to say, I spent the entire next day in bed. When on Monday I still had a fever, Rod made me schedule an appointment with my doctor.

They made me wear a mask! Rude!
In other, semi-related news, Liam came *thisclose* to getting stitches last week. We were on our way out the door to run errands, when I heard the most awful thump, followed by the most pitiful cry. Apparently, Liam was holding onto the back of Crew's shirt and walking down the steps. It was going well until Crew tripped and fell, causing Liam to fall on top of him. Thankfully, Crew broke Liam's fall because it's preferable to face-planting on hard concrete. Still, Liam had a gash on the lower right portion of his lip. In the end, we decided he didn't need stitches because neither of us felt comfortable with Liam being sedated for the procedure. (This is what happens when your husband works in the ER; sometimes knowing too much isn't convenient!) 

The boys have taken interest in checkers and chess. Neither Rod or I play chess, so they make up their own rules while little brother interjects and steals game pieces, just to irritate them both.

Crew took second place at the Diamondback Wrestling Tournament two weeks ago. 
Liam literally thinks all wrestling headgear is his. He steals it from the wrestling bag, places it on his head, and refuses to take it off. Don't even try touching him; he thinks you'll attempt stealing "his" headgear, which he doesn't appreciate in the least. 

Pax miniature golfing for Family Night. We are the world's worst golfers. I think we spent more time looking for lost balls than we did golfing. I wish I could blame the ball searching on the boys, but Rod was a culprit, too! In fact, he lost a ball in the pond. We left the course much later than I prefer, but we had a great time (and many belly laughs). 


Our world lately...

A Science Lab with earthworms. I must admit, as much as the earthworms grossed me out, I loved these labs. We created a small compost and will observe their habitat (jar) for weeks. We presented different environments for the earthworms and observed that they prefer dark, cool, non-acidic surfaces.

When Liam starts saying things like "Dank-do" (thank you), then it's time for a blog update. This little cheese ball is a mess. He climbs on chairs, the table, the fireplace, the homeschool table-- anything, really, that is dangerous. Tonight I was reading to the older boys in the rocking chair and Liam was trying to climb **into** his crib. Not to go to sleep, mind you, but just for the sake of climbing something he shouldn't. He took a hard fall and got a bloody nose.

Our little Squish, as we so lovingly refer to him as, has a blossoming vocabulary. In the past week alone, he has started saying several new words. For months, his communication was limited to whining, with an occasional Daddy, bye-bye, or night-night thrown in the mix. This week he has added to his list of words: Dank-do (thank you), Daaaayseeee (Daisy), that, cheese, and done.

He loves reading books, but not always with me. Sometimes he just wants to be left alone to turn the pages when he wants and in whichever direction he wants. I have noticed, however, that he's becoming more curious and attentive as I read, so I'm trying to capitalize on his curiosity and read to him as much as he'll allow.

I was texting Rod and, apparently, Liam thought I was taking a picture of him. He said, "CHEEEEESE" and flashed this goofy grin. I laughed for 10 minutes straight.

Illness has bounced around our home since Christmas day. Pax was the first victim, next was Crew, followed by Liam. Paxton then had an awful cough, Crew's fever returned and Liam got the worst diarrhea. It has been a long twelve days, especially since Rod has worked the last six of seven nights. I will be grateful to have our health restored.



A typical day


They're helpful to have, in case you were wondering.

My wonderful offspring managed to remove a doorhandle and I haven't the slightest clue how. Or why?! I mean, really, why? What possibly could have motivated them to even consider such a task? I must admit, I'm impressed with their creativity and dedication to such a tedious task.

What I do NOT appreciate, however, is one of the little jokers closed the door rendering us helpless, caged humans, trapped inside our homeschool room. Thankfully, we were all locked inside together, with my cell phone, so I didn't have to go HULK SMASH on the door. Again. (It wouldn't have been my first door-slamming encounter.)

***Insert an angry phone call and Rod to the rescue.***

Fast forward several hours.

I needed a trip to Target. Not to buy anything, mind you. Just to "get away". Target is where women (mostly moms with young kids) congregate to have some alone time and rejuvenate. Or maybe that's just me? Regardless, I needed some Target therapy.

Only problem?

The husband was sleeping off the night shift, leaving me to rejuvenate at Target with my little people--the very people I need to rejuvenate from. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and so I grabbed a Dr. Pepper on my way out.

Just as I opened the can, I hear from the backseat Pax yell, "DIABETES!!!!!!! DIABETES!!!!"

So in addition to door-handle stealing thieves, I have nutritionist Nazi's. Wonderful!


A picture worth a thousand words

Let it be known that I survived September 22, 2015.... Barely!

One child woke up on the war-path, agitated, and ready to battle over everything. That made for the LONGEST DAY EVER. Let's just say he should consider himself lucky that he belongs to a family who frown upon homicide.

Rod left his cell phone at the library this afternoon and then at Famous Footwear a few hours later. Thankfully there are still honest people in the world, but each incident sparked needless panic.

Our house is an epic disaster because #KidsAreTheWorst
I realize I should enlist their help to clean their own messes, but some days (like today), it just isn't worth the effort. Nothing felt more heavenly than sending them to BED, and praying tomorrow will be better.

I'm exhausted.

This motherhood gig isn't for the faint of heart.

Some days are just hard. Today was one such day.



 Today Liam turned 11 months and I'm feeling a {{momentary}} surge of motivation to revive our dying blog. After all, blogging serves as a great family journal while also keeping family and friends updated on our growing boys.

First update?

Homeschooling. We're nearly a month into our academic year and LOVING it. Seriously, loving it. The perks far outnumber the occasional troubles and frustrations we encounter. Having spent every single day with my boys from birth until this point, I thought I knew them well. And I was right. I do know them well, better than anybody else, no doubt. However, I'm learning even MORE about them because our time together is distinctly different in an academic setting. In one short month I've learned their learning styles, academic strengths and weaknesses and their preferences of small things. For example, Paxton prefers glue sticks and he's perfectly content with drawing pictures with his pencil. Crew delights in sharpening his pencil and learns his letters best with Play-Doh. The one-on-one time provides ample opportunity to learn more about their beautiful souls, hear more of what they're thinking and appreciate their innocence. And, goodness, they're hilarious.

I'm privileged to watch their capability to learn and comprehend broaden. As mothers to young babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers, we only see sporadic glimpses that indicate our efforts are worthwhile. But this age, however, is full of exciting growth and development. The years spent laying a firm foundation can be seen and enjoyed daily. It is fabulously gratifying.

I also love that I'm learning WITH them. I've always been a history nerd and, much to my surprise, Paxton has taken keen interest to the subject as well. History has provided many bonding experiences, and that is worth every sacrifice. He's our little sponge, soaking up details and facts of information.

Our little Crew is a delight to teach. He stays on task and beams when he completes an assignment. He so badly wants to be like Pax, so we bought him a Pre-School Handwriting Without Tears book. He calls it his "big boy book" and takes his work very seriously, being extra careful to color in the lines. He joins in when we make history or science projects.

And then there's Liam. The destroyer. Each day there's only one guarantee: Liam will tear apart the entire Homeschool room. It's his special talent.

Watching BYU's first football game of the season!

 Pax started attending his charter school this week. He goes one day for Circle Time for one hour and another day for Discovery Time for two hours. Being the social creature he is, I wasn't surprised when he reported that he LOVED it. It will be a wonderful resource for our family.

The Co-Op is functioning, although not exactly how I envisioned. My mentor, Laura, suggested I wait until the boys were older to start a Co-Op, but being eager (and mostly excited) to begin our Homeschool journey, I disregarded her advice. And lets just say I should have listened. It's more work than it's worth at this young age. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, but I've learned that as a homeschool mom, you have to evaluate and eliminate if necessary. My time is scarce and my plate is full, especially now that Paxton's charter school has begun and the boys have wresting practice Monday-Thursday. I have a lot to consider and figure out.

In other news, Daisy celebrated her birthday on September 5! 


 I joined my church choir. I am thrilled to be singing again. I've missed it! There's something special about signing with a group of talented vocalists to an audience who appreciates it. For 6 years I've been singing to babies, toddlers and squirmy boys; they haven't always welcomed my gift. {{Deep sigh}}

 Pax is incredibly dramatic about his 2 loose teeth. They have been loose for SO LONG that his permanent teeth are growing in BEHIND the loose teeth. I am on the verge of scheduling a dentist appointment to have them pulled because seriously, it's beyond ridiculous. But then I realize how absurd it is to spend money on something that equates, at least in my mind, to a right of passage for children. I mean, isn't loosing teeth an exciting thing for kids?!

 I'll add loosing teeth to the list of "Things I Didn't Foresee As Being An Issue But Are A HUGE Undertaking, Apparently ".


Lest you assume I have favorite children, please know that Pax has decided, as of Monday, that he doesn't like the Ninja Turtles "because Shredder says bad words like 'hate and stuff'." He's informed us that he's "a Star Wars guy", a complete surprise to us considering he hasn't seen Star Wars. To be fair, he hasn't seen any Ninja Turtle movie either, only some old cartoon episodes from the 90's.