
Our world lately...

A Science Lab with earthworms. I must admit, as much as the earthworms grossed me out, I loved these labs. We created a small compost and will observe their habitat (jar) for weeks. We presented different environments for the earthworms and observed that they prefer dark, cool, non-acidic surfaces.

When Liam starts saying things like "Dank-do" (thank you), then it's time for a blog update. This little cheese ball is a mess. He climbs on chairs, the table, the fireplace, the homeschool table-- anything, really, that is dangerous. Tonight I was reading to the older boys in the rocking chair and Liam was trying to climb **into** his crib. Not to go to sleep, mind you, but just for the sake of climbing something he shouldn't. He took a hard fall and got a bloody nose.

Our little Squish, as we so lovingly refer to him as, has a blossoming vocabulary. In the past week alone, he has started saying several new words. For months, his communication was limited to whining, with an occasional Daddy, bye-bye, or night-night thrown in the mix. This week he has added to his list of words: Dank-do (thank you), Daaaayseeee (Daisy), that, cheese, and done.

He loves reading books, but not always with me. Sometimes he just wants to be left alone to turn the pages when he wants and in whichever direction he wants. I have noticed, however, that he's becoming more curious and attentive as I read, so I'm trying to capitalize on his curiosity and read to him as much as he'll allow.

I was texting Rod and, apparently, Liam thought I was taking a picture of him. He said, "CHEEEEESE" and flashed this goofy grin. I laughed for 10 minutes straight.

Illness has bounced around our home since Christmas day. Pax was the first victim, next was Crew, followed by Liam. Paxton then had an awful cough, Crew's fever returned and Liam got the worst diarrhea. It has been a long twelve days, especially since Rod has worked the last six of seven nights. I will be grateful to have our health restored.


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