Liam turned three months on January 9th-- my birthday. He brings our home so much joy. He's relatively laid back, a decent night sleeper, a not-so-great napper (but he's getting better), and overall a happy baby. I'm currently his favorite person in the entire world, probably because we spend so much time together. He's usually a huge fan of Rod's, unless you catch him on a grumpy day. He smiles at Pax and is terrified of Crew. Crew loves Liam a little too much and too rough.
At 3 months, Liam loves:
- Cuddling
- Nursing
- Being held
- Having his diaper changed
- Having his bum patted to sleep
- Napping in the Ergo
- Bathtime
- Nuzzling his face into your arm/chest while being held
- Bouncing to sleep
- Playing on his play-mat (sometimes)
- His swing (sometimes)
- Listening to the same music I listened to while pregnant with him. We call it "his" music.
- Tummy time
- His carseat
- Waiting his turn for Mommy's attention
- Strangers
- Playing on his play-mat (sometimes)
- His swing (sometimes)
- When Mommy sings while he's nursing
- He chews on his hands
- He blows bubbles
- He talks and coo's
- He giggled for the first time with Rod
- He bats his pudgy hands at toys
- He kicks in delight when he's excited
- He hates being swaddled, but can't sleep un-swaddled
- He's wearing 6 and 9 month clothing
- He can squeeze into some 3 month bottoms
- When he wears disposable diapers, it's in size 2
- He had his first huge, need-a-bath blow-out diaper today
Such a cutie!!!!