How many 3 year old boys obsess over the contents of their mother's uterus?
Just mine?
For months conversations with Paxton are sprinkled with "....and we need to buy a new baby..." You haven't lived until your child asks strangers if we can buy their baby. {{Yes, strangers. Plural.}} In case you were wondering, listening to your child tell his grandparents via Skype that "there's a baby in Mommy's tummy!!" while you're in the other room gives the world's worst adrenaline rush. It also makes for an awkward follow-up conversation. To make matters worse, he created a song about a new baby, which includes awkward dancing:
Sometimes you need a new baby.
You NEED a new baby.
You need to get one.
I don't like that baby (pointing to his brother)
We need a new baby.
Sometimes you need a new baby!
Sometimes you need a new baby!
And then praying for a "new baby in Mommy tummy" ensued. I realized I had to reel in his imagination and set the record straight. I kindly told him there isn't a baby in my tummy. That's when THE question came and with it took my breath away.
"...But HOW a baby get in there?"
This was new parenting territory and one I wasn't ready for. He was waiting for an answer. Patiently, for once. How could my baby be asking this. ALREADY?! My hands started to sweat. I felt the blood drain out of my face. I was caught off guard. Unprepared. Fortunately, and unfortunately Rod was home.
First we tried to settle it with a, "Mommy and Daddy ask Jesus to help put a baby from heaven in Mommy's tummy". His curiosity wasn't satisfied. "BUT HOOOOOWWW it get in there?"
I glared at Rodney, expecting him to say something I wasn't ready for my
precious 3 year old to hear. I whispered to Rod, "I've got this. I'll
say big words and confuse him and he'll loose interest. I think I
remember hearing this was a good idea. Watch."
Me: "Well, mama has a uterus and fallopian tubes... and I ovulate...
I could feel Rod's bewildered face eying me down.
Me:"....kinda like a chicken lays an egg..."
In my peripheral vision I watched my husband's head hang in shame. He didn't have to say a word. I knew that I--his wife of nearly 6 years-- was giving him every reason to doubt his decision to procreate with me. His body language spoke a thousand words, including: She cannot be serious right now. A chicken?!
Me: "Yeah, umm, mama lays an egg. And daddy plants a seed and...."
Rod: " That's wrong. I don't plant the seed. Mama already has the seed. I fertilize the...."
Me: "Rodney, you're making me nervous..."
Rod: "But I don't plant a seed. That's not accurate. I help the seed to grow into a baby."
Me: "So mama's egg becomes a baby! Yay!! Do you want ice-cream?"
Most nerve-wracking 2 minutes of my life! I pray his curiosity will be
satisfied. May he not ask how Daddy fertilizes Mama's egg. And for the
love of everything holy, may he STOP telling people there is a baby in
my belly!
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ReplyDeleteI laugh every time I hear this story!!!! It is one of the funniest things!! lol Poor Crewsie, we still love him!!! lol!! I couldn't even imagine how to explain how babies get into tummy's, especially at the HOW COME and WHY stage of a child!!! lol Good idea on to just say big words!! haha! At least you know he can and does listen to conversations!!lol WHen ever you guys get pregnant again you have to video Paxton's reaction when you tell him!!!