

Listening to my 4 year old have "quiet time" is exhausting.  He isn't quiet or restful.  As a matter of fact, he goes into full spaz-mode during this hour.  Karate chop sound effects, evil heckling, and occasional shouts out the door.  My personal favorite: [opens door] "Hey, human! Is quiet time over?"

 His spaz tendencies are genetic, of that I am certain.

Fall 2013

Just the other day I asked my not-yet-potty-trained-almost-three-year-old son if he pooped.  And from a dead sleep in the other room, Rod responded, "NOT YET!!!"  Nobody asked you, honey, but thanks!

In other spaz-related news, we held up traffic on one of the BUSIEST streets so I could retrieve a dearly beloved Buddy. Buddy is our little man's most prized possessions. He has been sleeping with Buddy since he was a baby, so the attachment is incredibly unhealthy strong.  The boys were using Buddy in their tug-of-war shenanigans while we were driving home from Sam's Club.

Crew with his Buddy, October 2011

I had entered Mommy-Survival-Mode at this point, choosing to ignore their tug-of-war game, when out of the corner of my eye I watched Buddy fly out the window.  Immediately retrieving the stupid thing would've made the most sense, but I was in absolute denial that we were THAT FAMILY throwing things out of the car, so I resorted to asking "What was that?! Was that seriously Buddy?? Who threw that??"

The light was red while my fingers fumbled with the door, but of course the light turned green before I FINALLY wrestled my way out of the door.

And there I stood.
In the middle of the road.
Holding up traffic.

I didn't know to wave at or ignore the many cars we were holding up. I decided to avoid eye contact and run back to the car like a basket case. You haven't lived until you've had to retrieve items from a busy road, all while holding up traffic. In fact, you really haven't lived until you've done this exact thing THREE times before. Not like I have personal experience, or anything. {{Hangs head in shame}}

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is so funny!!! 3 times this has happened!! lol I am surprised Crew lets Buddy be in the middle of tug -o-war!! lol I can totally picture you avoiding ALL eye contact with everyone waiting patiently!! lol Plus they all watched it FLY out the window too!! lol I like the "hey human, is quiet time over?" from Pax!! He is just the funniest kid!!
    LOve your boys!!!
